Trying to get some good lessons on how to smoke some fine meats in my electric smoker. Would like all the suggestions for proved and true modifications to the smoker.( char-brol electic water smoker). I have read about using sand instead of water, if some have gotten this kindly share with the stores you pick the sand up from. Hopefully some of these stores will be down deep in south texas. I have put foil on the bottom underneath the heating element hoping it will help in driving hotter air upwards. Even thou the lid on my grill is not really tight, thought i would add a few more holes in the lid and build a cover for them out of a ole pie pan. So any other suggestions would be much appreciated. Oh and one more question, i have a good thermometer which i place about half inch above the higher cooking grill, after smoking a few times if i do not clean up that thermometer will i start to give off incorrect temps.
Thanks all ya gals and pals for any info
Thanks all ya gals and pals for any info