New Smoking Apprentice

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Original poster
Dec 29, 2014
Midland, MI
I am 50 years old, Christian, have three kids, live in Michigan, married for 30 years, and we are recent empty nesters.  A friend of mine recently shared his recipe for smoked venison sausage and it turned out fantastic.  It was so good…I had to buy my own smoker and associated tools.  Bought a MES 30" with digital control and one for my son for Christmas so we can have some fun.  It is now seasoned and ready for use.  Time to decide on the first project.  Any suggestions?  Is there a standard recipe form which captures all smoking/cooking parameters?  Looking forward to some good eats and lessons from the team.
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  Good evening and welcome to the forum, from a cold day here in East Texas. Lots of great people with tons of information on just about  everything. 


Welcome, from southern Ohio, to the best forum on the internet if you are looking to learn how to BBQ/smoke/brine/cure/inject. Well you get the picture if you can do it to something you put on a plate to eat then someone here has probably done it then smoked it.

Use the search bar at the top of the page and you will be led to the answer to most every question you can think of. If you don't find the answer there then just post it and someone will chime in with their opinion on the subject.

Always remember the only dumb question is the one you don’t ask!!
Keep Smokin!!!
Glad you joined the group. The search bar at the top of any page is your best friend.
About anything you wanna know about smoking/grilling/curing/brining/cutting or slicing
and the list goes on has probably been posted. Remember to post a QVIEW of your smokes.
We are all smoke junkies here and we have to get our fix. If you have questions
Post it and you will probably get 10 replies with 11 different answers. That is
because their are so many different ways to make great Q...
Happy smoken.
Try out some chicken and sausage its cheap, and will lit you get familiar with your smoker before you jump in there on a long smoke

Welcome. Jeff, the owner and founder of this site has a free 5 day E-course you can take. I highly recommend it to brand new smokers. It will give you the basics you need to make great  Q every time.
Thanks for the 5 day training heads up.  Chicken it is.  I also have a family Hungarian sausage recipe that has not been smoked, to my knowledge, which soon will be.....
Thanks for the 5 day training heads up.  Chicken it is.  I also have a family Hungarian sausage recipe that has not been smoked, to my knowledge, which soon will be.....
You get a newsletter too. With an awesome recipe every month, sometimes twice a month. I look foreword to it to give me ideas. I find myself doing the same old things way too much. Have you ever spatchcocked a chicken before? you could surprise and amaze your family with a presentation that they have never seen before. Maybe.
Not sure I follow the whole bird or parts question.  The Hungarian sausage is pork sausage...I didn't say pork sausage sorry.  What is spatchcocked chicken?
Spatchcock Chicken:  The only thing that I don't like about cutting down either side of the backbone is that it quickly either wears out, or loosens up, cheap kitchen shears.  I got some of these quality kitchen shears and they last and last.  Also, per Gary Wiviott, I do like to break the joint between the drumstick and thigh prior to cooking.  This allows you to arrange the drumsticks so they can stay closer to the torso, and also makes it easier to cut them apart after the chicken is cooked.

OK PM those venison and Hungarian sausage recipes to me!  Don't be teasin' the fat man with hints of good eats!!

Welcome aboard!

You have to careful on YouTube  some of the things on there are not good or safe.  On lady doing chicken who loads her gas smoker up with charcoal and wood chunks then peels off the coal black skin because it taste funny.

You have to careful on YouTube  some of the things on there are not good or safe.  On lady doing chicken who loads her gas smoker up with charcoal and wood chunks then peels off the coal black skin because it taste funny.

That is funny. I commented on that video when she put it out on her channel. She joined SMF that same day and saw the error in her ways. Hahahahaha...... It's a good one.
That's not burnt that's Cajun blackened.

Yes, you are correct, you have to pick and choose.  

These are a few of the You Tube channels I like.

T Roy Cooks

Ballistic BBQ

BBQ Pit Boys

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Welcome to the forum. Lots of good information here and if you do not see something just ask and someone (or many someones) will give you their suggestions.

Also if you go to the Groups button at the top there is a Michigan smokers group you can join if you want to.

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