New Smoker.

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Smoke Blower
Original poster
Apr 3, 2007
Greenville, Tx
Finally had to break down and get a custom smoker from the metal shop down the street(especially since I won't be able to get the Lang I so coveted at this time.

Seasoned it real early this morning and now its slowly smoking 2 briskets a 10lb and a 7lb one. Still working on getting the temp set just right so I spend a lot of time "checking on the smoker". lol

I can say one thing and that's the brisket are cooking very evenly on this one. I look forward to posting pics of the finished products later this evening
can't wait to see the pics! i did 2 briskets last weekend, and my smoker held the same temp on both sides the entire time.
Well finally finished the brisket around 8am this morning just in time for the huge thunderstorms that opened up on me.

I had to fight temp pretty much all night but I finally got it down to hold a steady temp. The family really seemed to enjoy the fruit of my labor from the all night smoke.

Here are some pics of the finished product.

This was the 10lber
Attachment 2822

This was the 7lb brisket. Someone got to it before the picture.
Attachment 2823

Another pic of the brisket.

Attachment 2825

All sliced up and ready for eating.

Attachment 2826

Brisket tasted great. Only downside is that the rain prohibited me from putting another brisket, some corn and the 3 slabs of bb on the smoker.

btw..Has anyone else noticed how peacefully things seem to be between 2 and 4am during an all-night smoke?



I'll try to post the pics of the smoker within the next day or so. Rain is currently keeping me from getting the pics of the new smoker.
Yes, theres nothing like the peacefulness of an all niter, brisket looks awesome, nice ring and moist
Now tell me what kind of father your gonna be by doing a full smoke and not even taking pics of the baby first
I'll be lookin for those pics!
I, the neglectful father that I am, have finally been able to get the pics for the new kid.

Here she is and she is going to be working with Daddy this weekend :)


Smoker works pretty well. I'm still working out the kinks w/ the temp. I put on a 5lb brisket and about 6 slabs of bb on there Sat. evening. I got the temp to hold between 225 and 235 rather consistently w/ some heat spikes of 5-10 degrees in between but I know I can narrow that a little bit more. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.