Weber Smokey Mountain (aka
WSM) charcoal smoker is hard to beat for ease of use, inexpensive fuel, and competition level results (smoke ring, tenderness, etc). Good to go right out of the box with zero modifications.
I use the 22.5" for just my wife and me. California is not known for great BBQ, but time and time again I hear from family and friends, "this is the best BBQ I've ever eaten." Heard it again this weekend at a small party. I like to watch people's faces when they take their first bite. It's like the world ceases to exist as their entire focus is pulled to their taste buds. Eyes close, head swivels, and usually the first words out of their mouth are "OH MY GOD ......", followed by "this is the best....."
WSM - $199
WSM - $299
22.5" WSM - $399.
Check craigslist, especially this time of year. It is often easy to find the 18.5". The other two are tougher finds. I just checked my local CL and there is a 22.5", two years old, rarely used, for $275. In the same area was a 18.5" for $180. Bit of a drive, but for $30 gas in my truck, still worth it. With proper care the WSM last a lifetime.
Although not necessary at all, for another $300 you can attach a BBQ Guru DigiQ DX2 blower which changes your hands off window from 8-10 hours to 18-22.
Memorial Day weekend is coming up. Home Depot puts their charcoal on sale. Two 18.6 lb bags of Kingsford will be half price at $9.95. Happens again July 4th and again Labor Day. That's when we charcoal users stock up.
There are a lot of WSM users here on SMF, so if you choose to go that route, there is a ton of experience necessary.
Happy shopping!