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My first post. I got a Smoke Hollow gas smoker for Christmas and fired it up today to smoke for my first time. All went well and meat turned out good. Did a Goose , Deer Roast and peice of Pork Loin.
Welcome to the forum cballjr. Seems alot of folks received smokers for presents. There are a few others on here with your type of smoker. Sounds like your well on your way with good smokes. Enjoy.
I too got my first smoker for Christmas and am currently just waiting for my second batch of Jerky to be done (the family already plowed through almost all of the 4 lbs of beef I did last night).
I spent several hours looking around the internet for information and this definately seems to be the place.
I agree about the goose. Not my favorite meat because it usually turns
out dry as dust but it really turned out pretty good this way. Not a big fan of eating waterfowl but fun to hunt. Eastern shore of Maryland is kind of limited on wild game.
I agree about the goose. Not my favorite meat because it usually turns
out dry as dust but it really turned out pretty good this way. Not a big fan of eating waterfowl but fun to hunt. Eastern shore of Maryland is kind of limited on wild game.
Welcome, if your not wanten that goose breast , send it my way. Thats some good eaten there, I had a friend, Ricky Vern Petersen, rest his soul, used to smoke the best goose breast you ever ate, We'd hunt in the morning, clean them a.s.a.p., and have them in the smoker by nine or ten in the morn. That afternoon we would be eating smoked "candy" and swiging cold beer, GOOD eating.
Been through Blackwater many times. Used to haul sawdust from a sawmill back there and ride motorcycles through there some. But your right about the hunting. I only live about twenty miles from there and have never hunted there. Except the Sika we have everything else just not as much.