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i have a gas burner smoker with 2 trays for wood chunk/chips. i have only used it once, the wood chunks caught fire. how do you make the chips smoke more than blaze?
sorry i realized afterwards i didnt intro my self properly.
my name is Paul from Orange, Ca. i have smoked fish for over 20 years, but this new gas smoker is a lot different then my electric chief. i smoked my first set of baby backs, with some tips from the smoking-meat site they turned out great.
What make of smoker do you have? That might help the friendly folks here at SMF to answer your question. My Great Outdoors Smokey Mountain (GOSM) smoker has a top for the cast iron box that I use when I smoke with chips. Most of the time I use chunks that don't flame up. Another possible solution is to soak the chips in water for about 1/2 hour before you throw them in the smoker.
I'll take what's behind door number 1 :D . Welcome Paul, glad to have you here. Do you have a good brine for cold smoking salmon? As the weather gets cooler here in Colorado, I want to do a cold smoke... Again, welcome.
Paul, Welcome to SMF. I'm making a most unscientific assumption here but most wood flare-ups occur when the door is opened-the increased airflow causes the the smoldering wood to burst into flames. Once the additional airflow is restricted (by closing the door) the chunks or chips return to smoldering. There was a similar problem with the Master Built electric smoker, but that company came out with a kit to prevent the flare-ups.
I would try contacting the Makers Mark Customer Service to see if they have a possible solution if this continues to be a problem.
Thanks dutch... I will give them a call. the doors were shut, and i went out to put the ribs in and there was already a forest fire like blaze in their.
Jmack, I havent cold smoked salmon, but i have always used a commercial salmon brine. after an all night swim in the brine i give it a light rinse, pat dry and give it a dark brown sugar massage. the result is a mouth watering indian candy style smoked salmon. not sure if this would apply to a cold smoke or not but it has always been one of my favorites.