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My name is Mickey. Just purchased an Oklahoma Joe horizontal offset smoker. Finally cooked a brisket that was tender enough to eat. Just learning how to smoke meat.
Hello Mickey and welcome to SMF, your in the right place to learn our beloved craft,looking forward to your posts and remember we all love the pictures
Welcome aboard the SMF Mickey!! This is the ultimate place to learn all about smoking meat. Ask questions when you have them and they will be answered. Glad you found us.
Welcome aboard. You came to the right place. If you got the question, someone here has or knows where to get the answer. Looking forward to hearing about your smokes and seeing lots of Q-views.
hey mickey, welcome to smf. you'll learn a lot here. be sure to get the free(yes FREE) 5 day smoking e-course,it should point ya in the right directions. also, don't forget to post recipes or anything you know.
Welcome...from one newbie to another. I gotta agree with the 5 day email course...and read, read, read the posts. Also, Jeff's rub and sauce reciepe available through the 5 day course is a steal.
Welcome to the forum. This is a super place with many friendly folks. Please feel free to share, ask questions, and draw from the knowledge found here.