OK, I tried my curing, attempting to go cheap. I was trying to use up some worthless briquets, and did about a 3lb chimneys worth, didnt get above 200 or so, and then added more. I fiddled a little and think I should have made sure the coal box was all the way over, and/or not used the crap I was trying to get rid of.
I don't smoke/cook with briquets, I use Red Oak and Pecan/Hickory/other for flavoring. Red Oak I discovered after researching a couple comparative articles and the results looked good for the ash count and heat. Then its available at Walmart and some other places.
OTOH, I wasnt sure what I should have been using for the damper settings, FB and top of CC. What are you guys using when doing your average smoke, or at least those without the blower fans?
As it is, I ordered the extra gaskets, which it looks like I need mostly around the FB halves and transfer pipe. I sprayed the inside and outside of everything with some vegetable oil spray (and used a soaked paper towel to apply oil to the inside/outside of CC. The most escaping oil smoke was from the FB. Obviously, when I get the gaskets installed and use wood for the proper cure, I will get some better indicators of what needs help.
I was surprised how much shallower the water bowl is then the one in my ECB. I guess the distance from the heat source means it doesnt need to be so big.