I got a Gosm smoker from Walmart a 3405..
Got it assembled, hooked it up to a brand new tank, & it lit right up, big flame on high, & turned it down to low & the temp was 300.. checked it again & the fire was out.. After a few tries it lit again, but in a short time the flame got smaller & smaller, & finally went out again.. this continued for quite a few lites.. So I thought I guess I got a bum tank, but to be sure I connected my Turkey Fryer to it & it works fine, so that ruled out a bad tank... So I took the hose that goes to the smoker, put it on high & blew in the end that connects to the tank. In a bit I could hear air coming out the burner.. Hooked it up, & started right off with a big flame on high, & stayed lit a bit longer, but had to turn it down.. I went through this blowing & lighting procedure a few times, & it seems that each time it stays lit a bit longer.. Can anyone help me with this? could it be a faulty regulator on the hose? or is there some adjustment I can make anywhere? I got Jerkey marinating to smoke tomorrow, & a loin.. Thanks for any assistance I can get..
Got it assembled, hooked it up to a brand new tank, & it lit right up, big flame on high, & turned it down to low & the temp was 300.. checked it again & the fire was out.. After a few tries it lit again, but in a short time the flame got smaller & smaller, & finally went out again.. this continued for quite a few lites.. So I thought I guess I got a bum tank, but to be sure I connected my Turkey Fryer to it & it works fine, so that ruled out a bad tank... So I took the hose that goes to the smoker, put it on high & blew in the end that connects to the tank. In a bit I could hear air coming out the burner.. Hooked it up, & started right off with a big flame on high, & stayed lit a bit longer, but had to turn it down.. I went through this blowing & lighting procedure a few times, & it seems that each time it stays lit a bit longer.. Can anyone help me with this? could it be a faulty regulator on the hose? or is there some adjustment I can make anywhere? I got Jerkey marinating to smoke tomorrow, & a loin.. Thanks for any assistance I can get..