My way of thawing Porterhous steaks :P

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koy boy

Original poster
Mar 22, 2010
Antioch California
Today the wife and I felt like grilling some steaks for a quick lunch. I hate waiting for steaks to warm up to room temperature and I normally run them under hot water but today I felt like giving them a head start by tossing the steaks onto my warm dashboard on my way home from Safeway. It's a relativity warm sunny day over here in Antioch California so I figured that I would take advantage of it

I managed to get a few weird looks from people in cars on the road.
Nice good thinking. Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer has the CarBQ. A little BBQ grill that you put under your hood to cook your food from the engine heat while you drive. hahaha Man someone on this site needs to try that. haha
It was eighty degrees today. You caught a hell of a break.

That was a funny episode. The only thing stopping me from doing something crazy like that is having to pull over every few minutes to check if the meat is done. Unless I open my heater vents & wait to smell the burnt flavor. But creosote is something I don't want if my exhaust is backing up.
And who said the man child is not brilliant. Nice going there Koy.
Actually rbranstner theres a whole book about cooking with your engine called Manifold Destiny, i think its out of print though

Check it Out Here

Loving the Dash Board thaw Koy Boy hahahahaha
A couple weeks ago I saw a guy on the side of the interstate with the lid up on his trailer mounted smoker. There was smoke coming from it so evidently he was cooking driving down the road. I would be worried about ashes all over the food though.
Been there done that. We used to put our C-rations in the engine compartment of our trucks. Drive around a while and you would have hot food (if you can call C-rations good).
Too funny !

Just a heads up on some good steaks,the costco in concord has a good price on prime grade ribeye that is worth a try.
LOL----I loved C-rations, cooked over a nice little ball of C4, particularly the one labeled "Ham/with Water Added". See----Pork even ruled in Vietnam!

My wife and I would pick up a couple steaks when in Utica at a market just outside the city limits. I'd wrap them in foil and had a wire basket on top of the manifold. We'd toss them in there and by the time we got to Port Leyden they'd be done medium rare! A few minutes on the grill for some sear marks while she made instant potatoes and corn and we'd have dinner all ready! '72 Olds 88 V8.
Thats amazing bahahahaha i wanna try it now, I have a company car lol, were facing lay offs so maybe I should do up twenty pounds of Salmon or so whaddya think lol
Funny but true story, a few years ago I installed an old school Fosgate subwoofer amplifier in a car for a customer. The amp had traces of minor oil stains and food smudges on it. I asked him where the stains and smudges came from, he told me he uses the amp as a warming rack for his fast food meals when he is on the road. I believed him because like most of you may know, old school amps heat up like mothers when their played hard and loud. they dispense allot of heat. enough to maybe cook on. they look something like this

Some day I'll come across one of those amps and test it's cooking abilities :)

forktender, I will be in walnut creek today. I'll drop by costco. thanks for the tip.
Man, if you were hungry, C-rats tasted just fine! The pound cake was a little dry, as I recall...

Now, what the hell happened to all those P-38s?
LOL---Mine has been on my key ring for 41 years---AND STILL WORKS !
Had to use it to help a guy in an emergency situation last year, on a beer bus coming home from a Phillies game! No bathroom on the bus!!!

Cut the top off a beer can in about 20 seconds (the lip on a beer can is a little high for a P-38).

I also have one on my keyring - I'm not sure you can kill these things! I was just wondering where all the dozens of others went over the years... is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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