My best friend asked if I would smoke a turkey for him for Thanksgiving, of course I said. So I did a mesquite smoke on a 48 hr. brined bird. Went fine. I called him to pick it up, which he did, and he gave me rolls and sweet dough bread his daughter had just baked (yumm!) He raved how good the turkey smelled and how he couldnâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t wait to get into that bird! He called me the next day, kinda sad…I asked if everything had turned out ok. He said, yâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]now I had 28 people for dinner yesterday. One roasted turkey, one deepfried turkey and my smoked turkey, and the only taste of smoked turkey he got was a piece of skin he pulled off as he was cutting it up for dinner. He said it was like he never put it out, the smoked turkey was gone that fast, before there was hardly a dent in the other two birds. Hell of a compliment! :lol: