I restored a 1969 MARK TWAIN boat. it started out like this:
chrish Smoking Fanatic Original poster May 2, 2007 514 10 IOWA May 2, 2007 #1 I restored a 1969 MARK TWAIN boat. it started out like this:
T teacup13 Master of the Pit OTBS Member Feb 22, 2007 1,391 12 Sault Ste Marie,ON May 2, 2007 #2 wow that looks great the only restoration i did on a boat was giving my 14' aluminum boat a fresh coat of paint..lol good job
wow that looks great the only restoration i did on a boat was giving my 14' aluminum boat a fresh coat of paint..lol good job
chrish Smoking Fanatic Original poster Thread starter May 2, 2007 514 10 IOWA May 2, 2007 #3 hay thanks, it was fun and even more fun now.