I know this about them. They are great weed eaters. My wife had some pygmy goats and she'd tied them to the fence and move them down the row as needed. But they got some kind of virus, got stiff legged, fell over and died. Well they didn't die until I shot them, but I can't watch anything suffer. And I won't let my kids watch anything suffer.
I've heard goat meat is good, but I've never tried it. With the influx of migrant workers to the Ozarks, the goat market has become a big thing here. One woman we go to Church with raises them. She breeds them and when they reach about 4 months of age, she takes them to the livestock auction and gets 80 bucks a piece for them. That's not bad for something that virtually raises itself, on weeds no less. But they do eat everthing. In the winter, she'd put straw down for bedding, and feed them good grass hay. They'd eat he straw and bed in the hay. Then they ate their house. So I fixed them. I came up with a 1000 gallon square water tank and cut a door into it. They couldn't eat that and the wind didn't blow it away.