The other day I smoked some bacon for the 1st time. I'm frying it up and having some bacon, lettuce and tomato sammiches. The wife even likes the bacon and she hasn't really liked anything out of the smoker.
Buckboard bacon cure is fantastic. I picked up some belly meat at an oriental market for $2.29/lb.. Heck, bacon is like $3.49/lb for good stuff and this bacon I made is better than the good stuff. I smoked it with hickory..
Then, I have 2 10# shoulders in the smoker. I'm using cherry wood and I stink.. But, in a good way! I smell like smoke..
I did take pics of them raw and rubbed up. I have a good 12 hours left before they're done. I think I am going to put them in towels and in the cooler when I'm done and pull them in about 8 hours or so when I wake up.
I'm in for a LONG night... I have beer and bacon so I'm good to go!

Then, I have 2 10# shoulders in the smoker. I'm using cherry wood and I stink.. But, in a good way! I smell like smoke..

I did take pics of them raw and rubbed up. I have a good 12 hours left before they're done. I think I am going to put them in towels and in the cooler when I'm done and pull them in about 8 hours or so when I wake up.
I'm in for a LONG night... I have beer and bacon so I'm good to go!