In case you all don't know I am a 42 y/o single father of two teen aged daughters, and tonight while watching "Extream Home Makeover" I got some pepper juice from my ABT's I made today in my eye, and my kids kept making fun of me, saying things like I was crying and that kind of thing, I tried to tell them that the pepper juice was burning my eyes but they still laughed at the "old crying man", can you believe that?
I mean like there should be a NATIONAL BEAT YOUR CHILDREN DAY, I say we take it up with BIG W, and see what he can do about it.
So if any of you all have mean kids at home like me, I think you will understand where I am coming from on this topic.
I mean like there should be a NATIONAL BEAT YOUR CHILDREN DAY, I say we take it up with BIG W, and see what he can do about it.
So if any of you all have mean kids at home like me, I think you will understand where I am coming from on this topic.