alright thank you all for the respond i will now answer all questions, or i hope.
yes beer is good in the morining, but i didnt realize the first pic you put in was the last one posted and visa versa, so this was an evening seasoning. but i do still love beer first thing, dont get me wrong.
i cooked the loin with, Obie-Cue's SMOOTH MOOVE (i use this on my jerky, its the best i have ever had. not bad on loin either) (see attached pic) this one i didnt get to let the rub soak in much maybe an hour or two. i smoke between 200-220 for about 4 hours and i have never had one turn out bad yet. every so often i will get a spike but i control it with a little water and all is good. everyone liked this loin and it was the juiceist one i have made but i wish i could have let the rub settle in over night.
i too use(d) the charbriol silver smoker, have now for more then a year and a half but this one was WAY easier. the fire box is much larger and square (which i like) the metal is 3/8" or less (i wish it was thicker, but im going to line it with fire bricks for excellent heat retention) and there is a lid on top where you can either cook bacon, eggs and such, or open it put on an attachable grate and cook on it while your food cooks in the chamber....mmmmm food in the main chamber
the main chamber metal is 1/4" or thicker, it has one grate in it but has room to add a second, which i will do when i learn to weld.
the main thing i can tell you is from start to finish i had the fire going for about 7 hours and tended the fire maybe 2 times (minus playing with it for fun), meaning adding fuel.
with my silver i had to play with the fire every hour to hour and one half all day long. it was soooooooooo nice and worth every penny i dont have into it.
see a friend who has made his own for years was gong to get into the business of makin and selling them he had 4 left when he decide to quit. he told me if i sell 3 i can have one for free. how hard is that? i was going to list one on here and put the rest on ebay and craigs list and see what happens. but i wanted to get this one going first as it needed finished (sanding and painting)
i thank you all for your interest in my new toy.