First let me say I haven't had time to take a deep breath the last few weeks so I havn't been able to get on line.
My brother had a stroke and after laying on his living room floor for 4 days and then being propped up in a chair for another 2 days by his Idiot room mate someone ????? got the bright idea that maybe he needed to get to a hospital........DUH no S^%$ sherlock; the guy can't talk or move DUH.... so now he is paralized and his only movement is in his one hand and wrist.
The Doctor says there is a good chance he can learn to walk again but it will take time...... and I ended up in the Emergency room the other day because I ate something and somehow got an acute allergic reaction to some shrimp........Shrimp!!!!! I have been eatin shrimp forever... the night before infact I had a dinner party and the second course was a shrimp and banana liquor flambe. No adverse reaction there.
My son was runnin around lookin for his epipen to jab me with some epineferin. Couldn't find that so of to emerg before the throat closed up.It was the weirdest thing I just drove along thinkin Don't panic and Keep breathin. Fortunately my hospital is only 5 minutes away, where they stuck me and observed me for another 4 hours before I got to go home...
Anyway back to the topic...
I sent away to a site that one of our fellow smokers reccomended and got two maverick model ET 73 redi check smoker thermometers. No problem there... But by the time the Canadian Ccustoms people were through taking their share They cost me over $111.00 and then there was the $20.00 plus for handling and another$$$$$$$$ for shipping.
I guess I can be thankfull that the Prime Minister of Canada didn't know they were on order or I would have had to give him a cut.
I got one with no lock screw on the back of the sender but a quick call to the Maverick people and they sent one in the mail. Nice service!!!
Anyway I used them today on two chickens that I intend to take to the Hunt camp tomorrow. I guess I didn't set the alarm cause I went to sleep( night shift) after puttin the birds in and when I woke up at two this afternoon the temp readout at bed side was 188 internal.
Slightly over that is my story for the day and Now to pack Moose season is calling and somewhere in the wilds of the mid north of Ontario there is a suicidal Moose calling to me.
:lol: :P See ya all when I get back next week.
My brother had a stroke and after laying on his living room floor for 4 days and then being propped up in a chair for another 2 days by his Idiot room mate someone ????? got the bright idea that maybe he needed to get to a hospital........DUH no S^%$ sherlock; the guy can't talk or move DUH.... so now he is paralized and his only movement is in his one hand and wrist.
The Doctor says there is a good chance he can learn to walk again but it will take time...... and I ended up in the Emergency room the other day because I ate something and somehow got an acute allergic reaction to some shrimp........Shrimp!!!!! I have been eatin shrimp forever... the night before infact I had a dinner party and the second course was a shrimp and banana liquor flambe. No adverse reaction there.
My son was runnin around lookin for his epipen to jab me with some epineferin. Couldn't find that so of to emerg before the throat closed up.It was the weirdest thing I just drove along thinkin Don't panic and Keep breathin. Fortunately my hospital is only 5 minutes away, where they stuck me and observed me for another 4 hours before I got to go home...
Anyway back to the topic...
I sent away to a site that one of our fellow smokers reccomended and got two maverick model ET 73 redi check smoker thermometers. No problem there... But by the time the Canadian Ccustoms people were through taking their share They cost me over $111.00 and then there was the $20.00 plus for handling and another$$$$$$$$ for shipping.
I guess I can be thankfull that the Prime Minister of Canada didn't know they were on order or I would have had to give him a cut.
I got one with no lock screw on the back of the sender but a quick call to the Maverick people and they sent one in the mail. Nice service!!!
Anyway I used them today on two chickens that I intend to take to the Hunt camp tomorrow. I guess I didn't set the alarm cause I went to sleep( night shift) after puttin the birds in and when I woke up at two this afternoon the temp readout at bed side was 188 internal.
Slightly over that is my story for the day and Now to pack Moose season is calling and somewhere in the wilds of the mid north of Ontario there is a suicidal Moose calling to me.
:lol: :P See ya all when I get back next week.