So this morning I had a little time and decided to fool around with my 560 (stock) and my Galaxy Note 10+. I've made myself heard on this and other boards/groups about my satisfaction and lack of dealing with wi-fi and the
Masterbuilt apps.
So knowing I had a good install of the newest version of the app, I powered up the cooker and paired the BT which took no time (always a good BT connection). Then I went through and began wi-fi pairing. I had read a day or two ago about the app having a hard time resolving the passwords, which mine had numbers, letters and a special character @. I had changed my router settings yesterday to a password with just letters/numerals only. And with 9 total characters.
The 2.4 router was found as usual, but using the new password logged in, and within 2 minutes I was on wi-fi and actually downloading the new firmware automatically. Waited till that was done, restarted everything and surprise, surprise, surprise............I had a wi-fi connection!!!
I now am cooking a chicken on the new rotisserie that came in yesterday, and what's even better, I like the fact that I can open the ash bin door and hopper door, close them and the fan starts up again on it's own. I had done the cooker lid with an auto fuse months ago.
So those still having connection problems, try what I did today, and you might get lucky.