little handy hint for apple juice

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
OTBS Member
I used one of those pouch drinks for kids, the kind you have to fight to get the straw in the pouch to drink and it squirts all over you. Well, I thought maybe I could use these to flavor the meat and not have to clean the apple juice spray bottle I bought. Well they work just fine and there are a ton of flavors to try and easy to use and throw away the pouch when done and one less thing to clean :)

Let me know if anyone tries one and how it worked for you :)

why didn't i think of this before? i thought of buying a big bottle of AJ, as my wife likes AJ to drink (yuck!).
Use the little apple juice boxes all the time. My problem is trying to convince the youngest grandson that not all apple juice boxes belong to him!
Great idea, like Dutch I use the boxes so I don't have a bottle cluttering up the fridge.
Went to Wally World a while ago and got a couple of "squirter" bottles for a bit over a 1 $. It has its own place in the fridge I know were it always is (Magoo the cat just jumped in my lap). Always filled with AJ. Gotta luv it!
I was gonna say that I picked up one of the spray bottles at the grocery store last week, filled it AJ and when I was done with it, in the ice box in the laundry room it went. It's out of my wifes way in the kitchen and the only one it will bother will be me, reaching around it to get one of those clear, 12 oz. bottles with the Mexican writting on it.

But I do like the little box idea. Had I read that last week, I probably wouldn't have gotten the spray bottle. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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