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hi all!! i'm new to this forum but not new to q'n. i drive a mean green large machine. love smok'in butts'. lobsters ain't bad either! i'm an addicted scuba diver so i'm always Q'N somethin fishy. hope to chat with you all, ken :mrgreen:
Glad you found this place. I've been here only a few months, but found that the folks here are friendly and very knowledgeable. Any questions will be answered with care and based on experience.
Welcome to SMF! Another SCUBA Diver here (PADI) as well. My diving is freshwater- I like hunting for crayfish (crawdads) and having a crayfish boil on the shore. Gotta watch them Fish and Game fellers as they like to invite themselves to lunch!!
Welcome aboard Ken, Youâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]ll find these chaps are all amiable fellows (and gals), always ready to give a helping hand, and a polite ribbing! Iâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]m sure :) you will enjoy yourself as much as I do!
glad you finally made it here!!!!!!! when i visited a friend of mine in hawaii he took me spear fishing and it was the most increadible thing i have ever done, i see how you like it so much. i wish i lived some where where i could do it all the time.
i look forward to pics and some of your excellent recepies
Good to have you with us bugz on da barbe! Sounds like we may be headed for a crash course in Smoked Crustaceans. You won't find a better place to learn and share, so enjoy! Welcome!