Greetings Folks!
I'm Coley and the Mrs. and I reside in NE Georgia. I've been lurking around in the shadows here for a couple of weeks now and am amazed at all the friendly folks here, and their willingness to share their knowledge and experiences in the fine art of smoking meat.
I've been having such a great time reading posts and looking at all the 'Q-View' that I almost forgot to post my intro on Roll Call!...and learning the whole time...I might add!!
I see so many things here that I've wanted to try for a number of years, but simply didn't have the info I needed to accomplish those tasks...such as sausage making, curing and cold smoking, hot smoking, etc.
I first started smoke-cooking 30 years ago, and have done so on and off ever since, but am still in search of the elusive 'Perfect BBQ Butt'!! Close many times...but no
I don't get the quality of product I'd like to have on the old ECB, so I'm hoping to someday be the proud owner of one of Ben Lang's stick burners. I believe that with a reverse flow type cooker that I'll finally be able to find that elusive 'Perfect BBQ Butt'!!
The woods I like best for smoking are oak, hickory, mesquite, and pecan. For pork I like to use an oak base with up to about 20 percent hickory.
I'm also looking forward to the 'Dutch Oven' forum when it (hopefully) opens. I have wanted to learn about cooking with them for some time now. I've had them seasoned and ready to go but haven't had the opportunity to use them yet. They look kind of lonesome just sitting there!
I look forward MOST to making some new friends and to having a great time here with all the good folks here, all the while learning as I go, and to sharing what little bit I know from these past 30 years.
Hoping to someday be able to earn my induction into that most high and most esteemed of all fraternities of the BBQ realm...'The Order of the Thin Blue Smoke'.
Until later...
I'm Coley and the Mrs. and I reside in NE Georgia. I've been lurking around in the shadows here for a couple of weeks now and am amazed at all the friendly folks here, and their willingness to share their knowledge and experiences in the fine art of smoking meat.
I've been having such a great time reading posts and looking at all the 'Q-View' that I almost forgot to post my intro on Roll Call!...and learning the whole time...I might add!!
I see so many things here that I've wanted to try for a number of years, but simply didn't have the info I needed to accomplish those tasks...such as sausage making, curing and cold smoking, hot smoking, etc.
I first started smoke-cooking 30 years ago, and have done so on and off ever since, but am still in search of the elusive 'Perfect BBQ Butt'!! Close many times...but no
I don't get the quality of product I'd like to have on the old ECB, so I'm hoping to someday be the proud owner of one of Ben Lang's stick burners. I believe that with a reverse flow type cooker that I'll finally be able to find that elusive 'Perfect BBQ Butt'!!
The woods I like best for smoking are oak, hickory, mesquite, and pecan. For pork I like to use an oak base with up to about 20 percent hickory.
I'm also looking forward to the 'Dutch Oven' forum when it (hopefully) opens. I have wanted to learn about cooking with them for some time now. I've had them seasoned and ready to go but haven't had the opportunity to use them yet. They look kind of lonesome just sitting there!
I look forward MOST to making some new friends and to having a great time here with all the good folks here, all the while learning as I go, and to sharing what little bit I know from these past 30 years.
Hoping to someday be able to earn my induction into that most high and most esteemed of all fraternities of the BBQ realm...'The Order of the Thin Blue Smoke'.
Until later...