Is my Jerky Safe

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Smoke Blower
Original poster
★ Lifetime Premier ★
May 31, 2019
So last night I made a batch of venison jerky (meat strip's)...... I just went into the refrigerator to pull it out and put it into the dehydrator. It was not in the refrigerator........ Somehow, I forgot it in my chamber vacuum sealer all night! :emoji_scream:

Cure #1 and Sodium Erythrobate was used. Cure @ 0.25% / sodium erythrobate @ 0.05% / Salt @ 2%

My though is the sodium erythrobate is the saving grace and it is safe yet but wanted to get everyone else's thoughts.

AJ, Not sure how percentages work but if you had a tsp of cure for every 5 pounds of meat you are safe.
Erythorbate does not cause the meat to go POOF, it's cured. It does speed the process along to a degree, but it is not instantaneous.

I think, as thin as jerky meat is cut, you would still be safe without it. It doesn't take much time for the salt/cure to move into the meat.
Thanks guys for the reply’s

No off putting smells when opened the bag. I’m going to put it into the dehydrator.
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