In the hospital...... still!!

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Jun 5, 2009
Portland, OR
Seems like I just barely got my OTBS approval and I up and dissapear for a couple of weeks. I have been in the hospital since Feb. 7th, and it looks like I will be here at least another week. I got one of those flesh eating viruses on the inside of my left thigh, it was real touch and go for the first couple of days - doc's weren't sure if I was going to keep my left leg or not!
 It looks like I get to keep the leg (thank god), but I look like the guy they show on Discovery Channel's Shark Week - whole inside of my left thigh is mostly gone.

They have been realy happy with the progress I have made, and tomorrow morning if everthing looks good they are going to try and do a skin graft.  But even if the skin graft is successfull I will still be here another 5-8 days, so it is just a waiting game now. Well keep up the smoke signals, and I will let you know more once I know more.


UPDATE: looks like they may be letting me out of here in the next day or so!
 They were not able to see enough granulated healing to do the skin graph yet, but the rest of the healing is going really well. So they are going to send me home with a portable wound vac and let me hang out at home for a week or so till they can do the skin graph.
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Man that really sucks. I am really sorry to hear that you are down. We all are gonna have you in our thoughts and prayers. Get well soon man. We really need you back here.  
damn J-Rod..... WTF! good to see yer makin' progress and keep us posted........get yerself fixed up and back at home where ya belong!
Sorry to here about that JI, we will keep you in our prayers, your lucky, I had a friend that got that stuff and he lost his entire leg all the way to the hip joint.  Sounds like you are getting 1st class care, just remember and do what they tell you, don't want you to have a relapse with that stuff.  Again, we will keep you in our prayers and don't worry about us, we'll be here when you get back home my friend.

Your SMF Friend,

Glad to here you are getting turned around.  These resistant bugs are becoming more of a problem all the time.  In the last year out here in the boonies I've seen more than probably my 20 years in practice.  scary!
Man o Man Johnny, I've been wondering where you've been. Also been missing your posts. Glad to see your on the recovery side of things. We will pray for a speedy recovery.

Someone who live by him needs to bring him some smoke. That is most likely why his recovery is going slow. Body is fighting the withdrawl :)
Oh my sweet Johnny!!! I sure hope everything is gonna be okay, because you know I am one of your biggest fans! If's there is anything I can do to help in any way PLEASE don't hesitate to PM me. I'll send lots of Squirrel hugs, and I won't even send them UPS! Much love to ya my brutha and get well soon!

Dude, that is some scary stuff. Hang in there and I hope you get to go home soon. Thoughts and Prayers for you and the family. 
I'm sorry to hear this Johnny. Prayers up for you for a continued speedy recovery and prayersof thanksgiving for the Medical staff for being able to get a quick handle on that virus.
Thank you all for the support and prayers! In some ways I have the easy part - just lying here twidiling my thumbs between surgery's - where my wife and kids are stuck at home worrieng. It's been tough on the kids - dad's not home, and routines are all messed up.  But hopefully just another week or so and I can at least get home.

Thanks again everybody! Can't wait till I get better enough to make some Que! I guess when I was waking up after my first operation the first thing I asked for was a steak and a beer! LOL
That really sucks Johnny !

I was wondering what happened to you.

Hang in there & rest assured that there are a pile of prayers from SMF coming your way.

Mine should be there about--------------Right------------------Now !!!!!

Got your back,

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