I'm "Smokin"

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
Jun 20, 2007
Troy AL
At 12:45 I put on two whole chickens, a meat loaf and two fattys
I've kept temps at 250° to 275° and the meatloaf took two hrs and the
chickens are still going.

can you see the thin blue smoke, I'm using the Minion Method and buried some hickory chunks in the unlit charcoal
No, that is me at 20yrs old in Vietnam in Jan 68. I flew with the 187Th
Assault Helicopter Co Blackhawks. My call sign was Blackhawk19
Here are the end results, meatloaf took 2:15 to bring it to 165° and the chickens (4.4lbs each) took 3:45 and I brought them to 175°. One thing I learned is to put the meatloaf on top or the chickens will load it up with drippings. I did two Fatty's also, one for the house and one for the beer fridge in the shop. It will have to be shared with my two helpers, the yard dogs
Their my best buddies
It was my second one, I'm pleased with it so far. Final opinion will be in after the taste test tonight at supper
I have the same smoker and am going to use it the first time tomorrow. I see you chicken got a nice crispy crust.
How hot did you get the smoker?
How much charcoal & what type of smoke chips?
How did you prepare the bird?
Sorry for all the questions, but your chicken looks great..Any suggestions for a newbie..with the same smoker?
I put the smoker at 275°, I used the Minion method for the charcoal with some wood scattered thru the unlit charcoal and a few chunks on top of the lit for smoke(do a search for Minion Method) I soaked the chicken in Deb's brine mix http://www.deejayssmokepit.net/Poultry.htm
I did that for 6hrs then rubbed with some Butt Rub
http://www.buttrub.com/catalog.html that is available at grocery stores.
I put a digital thermometer in the breast and brought them to 170°. i started with them breast down and turned them after about 1 1/2 hours and the cook took 4-4 1/2 hrs. Hope this helps
Heres a link to the mods I did on mine
Be sure to put them over a drip pan or on the bottom rack, they will drop
on food below them, not good
Mighty fine bird there Blackhawk! Pat yourself on the back most people don't do great chickens up front. AND meatloaf too - ma nthat a nice feast!

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