The bottom line answer is no. There is nothing you can do. The heat coil goes to it's max setting and stays there. However, let me hasten to add. I also have one of the units that you are using and mine routinely goes to about 250 to 300*. I suspect yours will do the same. However, if you are using the thermometer that came with it (probably "low, ideal, high" readings), you'll need to do better. You can fix that via two methods. First, you can get a good digital read out thermometer with a probe into the meat and a readout meter outside. Or, you can get a decent analog or circular thermo at you local Home Depot. Drill a hole in the top and mount it. Just remember that ideally, you need two readings when cooking. One telling you the temp of the smoke at grill level and the other telling you the internal temp of the product you are smoking. My target for butts, hams etc. is 225*. Also, my favorite wood is hickory. But be aware there are lots of others .... like maple, apple, peach, walnut, cherry and on and on. There are also good threads here on the forum regarding woods to be used in the smoker. Good luck and please be sure to keep us informed as you experiment and start turning out professional grade Q. And don't forget the pictures.