yesterday i went to visit bud & tonto in the real deal heat & see their set up & the commitment they have to kcbs (& other) contests.bud, sweating his... well "bud" off,& tonto dealing w/ the heat(for those that know).. i only sampled their food & they are dang good but to see the (just by the look) of some of the so-called "heavy hitters"- we got better back yard cooks here. and my wife that doesn't even like ribs -gnawed down about four of today's( i was inspired by bud & tonto)... so no matter the size of yer "toys" ya can turn out great que- i even saw some world famous teams just using green eggs( to me they look like upside down avacados) i would put the smokin' scotsmen, debi, and a host of our's truly(smf'rs) against thede folks anyday.... even my wife who was afraid of the "big rigs" said i whooped their butts today... just by the looks of the food... and as a man who wants his kcbs judging cert. - i can really respect the men & women that had to eat & judge 4 courses of 40 plus teams in over 100 degree heat... myself, i'd puke & declare a winner after the 1st plate....