I know several of you have messed up spines as well.

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I was always in excellent shape until I went to get a physical, the whole kit and kaboodle, when I turned 50. I should have never done that, they just kept finding more things wrong with me. I'm 60 now with a bad back that after 5 years they still haven't found anything that helps. I cut my meds back, as I haven't taken a few of them for the last year or so. I feel better and just try to ignore my back pain. I think I've worn out three heating pads and on the fourth right now. I do take two tylenol and one aleeve every morning, along with a couple presribed meds. If my back hurts later in the day I'll take the tylenol again. If it still hurting, I take a couple shots of moonshine, the sipping kind. If it gets that far I always have a very peaceful sleep that night.
I didn't think I would live this long. LOL!!!
I resemble this remark ..... As much as I want to complain about my issues my poor wife deals with pain and has for decades.

As my late mother would say "Getting old ain't for pussies"

I hope everyone who suffers with chronic pain can find some relief in any form or fashion.
I resemble this remark ..... As much as I want to complain about my issues my poor wife deals with pain and has for decades.

As my late mother would say "Getting old ain't for pussies"

I hope everyone who suffers with chronic pain can find some relief in any form or fashion.
As my late mother would say "Getting old ain't for pussies"
We just may be related, my mom still talks that way at 85 yrs old. :emoji_laughing: :emoji_thumbsup:
I was at the doc last week for my 6 monther and I was fussing about tendonitis in my right elbow. It had been bad for at least a month and I wasn't really asking for anything as the first 2 times it acted up (both incidents at least a decade ago) I just toughed it out. He gave me a scrip for something called diclofenac - just an NSAID anti-inflammatory but not available over the counter. Since I started that, everything has eased up pain wise. My back - which ALWAYS hurts, hasn't been much over a 2 on the ouch scale all week. Normally it's about a 4. He gave me 30 days worth, gonna take em through this weekend then start rationing them. My elbow felt almost normal after 2 pills.
I used Voltaren (diclofenac) 39 years ago for bone on bone knee pain it was a miracle drug as my pain was gone. Thank fully I gave blood on a regular basis as about 2 months after I started using it I received a letter from the Red Cross telling to contact my Dr. right away as I was suffering from liver failure. Diclofenac based drugs can cause liver problems and if you use them be sure to ask your Dr. to keep an eye on your blood tests for any issues. I had no symptoms other than the blood test readings the Red Cross noticed.

Be safe.
38 yrs Autoimmune Hemolytic Enema destroyed 80% of my red blood cells. Dr said I was about 2 hours from dying. they put me on 100mg of Prednisone for 6 months and as a result I developed Spinal Epidural Lypomostasis (SP?) which means my entire spine is filled with a fatty material that combined my existing scoliosis and arthritis has gotten progressively and now at age 70 I can only stand for a few minutes or walk about 100 yards before the pressure causes my legs to go dead and I have to sit for a bit to get a reset. Pain level is about 7-8 24/7. Thank God of opioids and my ability to not get addicted and abuse them.
It is what it is, just happy to be alive. My sister died at age 54 from a similar autoimmune issue.
Brutal, man, so sorry to hear this.
My legs go dead as well, more like a numb tingly, dull pain, I have to sit, preferably recline for 10-20 minutes, and they come back 90% of the time.
When they stop coming back, I go in for spinal injections, which really help me.

Bad backs are no joke!!!

I absolutely hate pain meds, and refuse to use them until I can't walk or bear the pain, I'm pretty good with dealing with pain most of the time, but I do get hard to be around at times.

Everyone is different though I'm glad you found what works best for you.

Keep on, keeping on, brother.
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Life-long power lifter, my back can definitely feel it. It is the arthritis in my hands that really kills me. About 15 years ago I couldn’t play upright bass any longer. Then it was electric bass. Then steel string guitar and dobro. I can still play my Strat some, and have spent the last year doing wind synth. 58 years, playing guitar since I was 7.
35+ years as a union Plumber and Steamfitter, before that my father was a G.C. so as long as I can remember I've been pounding nails, digging ditches, humping lumber. My hands are FRIED now. When it's cold, I wake up and my hands are like claws until I warm them up. For me, playing guitar makes my hands feel 10x better, when I don't play for a few days, which is rare, I really feel it. I hope it stays that way for me until the end, as guitar is my mental release/ safe space.

Keep on jam'in, brother.
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I've been very happy that Austin has had almost zero winter weather. I will also say that I'm very happy with the wind synth.
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I used Voltaren (diclofenac) 39 years ago for bone on bone knee pain it was a miracle drug as my pain was gone. Thank fully I gave blood on a regular basis as about 2 months after I started using it I received a letter from the Red Cross telling to contact my Dr. right away as I was suffering from liver failure. Diclofenac based drugs can cause liver problems and if you use them be sure to ask your Dr. to keep an eye on your blood tests for any issues. I had no symptoms other than the blood test readings the Red Cross noticed.
Most NSAID drugs like Voltaren, Ibuprofin, naproxen, etc also increase the risk of stroke. I have a prescription for naproxen but only take it when absolutely necessary.
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