She had a fused vertebrae. Somehow, she had injured her backbone. And her body trying to heal the vertebrae, built up a barrier that caused her to lose control of her back legs. It was degenerative. It slowly got worse until she could barely walk.
The time had come to let her go. Extremely difficult. I cried like a baby. Still crying.
This is her story .........
She was a special little dog. My youngest daughter got her at a Medievel Festival in Norman in 2011. She said these gals were selling the puppies for $80 , but these ladies looked like meth heads. And they were selling the puppies for their next fix.
My daughter took the puppie to our vet, and he chewed her out. Said this puppy was too young to be taken from its mother and would have problems. Said she should not buy puppies at Medieval festivals.
Julie may've been a bit neurotic, but she was a good dog. My daughters life was erratic, as young people's lives tend to be. So she would live with us a while, then not. So Julie was here and not here until late 2016.
Daughter was living with us moved out at that time. I told her that Julie needed to stay with us. That she would be better with me, than spending almost all her time alone in an apartment. Daughter agreed.
So for the past 8 years, Julie was my dog. She was with me 24/7. I took her to the park to walk almost every day. She loved going to the park.
Early on, she was agressive toward people we would meet on the trail. But one day, this lady wanted to pet Julie. And Julie allowed it. And it was like a switch was flipped. She then began going to everybody we would meet to get affection.
And of course, she was cute as a bugs ear and people loved petting her. Julie had the power to put smiles on peoples faces. They would just melt.
The trail at the park went right next to an elementary school. And the times we were on the trail as school let out, all the kids would come running to her, they loved a pug, she would be in the middle of all these kids petting her and be in hog heaven.
I loved her more than any dog I ever had. Putting this one down is gonna leave a deep scar.
When we would go to the park, she loved sitting on the console in my truck. Yeah, if we'd had a wreck, that's not the safest place. But I promise you, I would've hit the windshield before she did. I had my arm blocking her.
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