Well.....I have been wanting a bigger smoker. I wanted to stick with propane and my budget limit was $ 150.00. I went to Wal-Mart and came home with the GOSM 3405BGW. Had it assembled in no time, got her seasoned and decided to break her in for my youngest son's birthday. Here is the q-view of it loaded up with spare ribs, skirt meat and some ABT's. I have a nice day to smoke, 75 degrees and no wind. I have had no problem maintaining 225-250 degrees. I think I'm going to like this thing! I remember reading about some mods and I believe I will add more thermometers to monitor the temps better. Also, I whipped up a batch of Dutch's Wicked Baked Beans and have them cooking in my old smoker! I have the Sirius Blue Grass playing and am having a smoking good time today!! More q-view to follow!