i try to help & i am opinionated. i do have years & years of experience. i saw a sticker today that said "knowledge speaks- wisdom listens". i post a lot & got some rep power & have been inducted into the otbs ... but i now realize- the more i learn- the less i know (kinda like a.a.)i think for a while i will just give attaboys & not advise.....(hard as that is to do)to everyone i know here & to everyone i respect & to all the newbies(that may just be newbies by number of posts)cheers... i will still post pics of my cooks & support my brethren otbs members- but cooking is getting too damn scientific for me- i will cook & go by smell,taste, & just sitting by my pit.. if i gotta have a digital remote pager wake me up when the fire gets low- thats just not bbq. bbq is tending a pit w/ friends in the middle of day or night,telling stories of cooks past,childhood memories, & the kids running nuts w/ ghost stories or fireworks & lil' league jerseys....good food is a great thing but memories... well you know. i'm still here & still cooking. i just want to get back to the real spirit of the cook.