How you know when you're officially OLD.

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Well...All I can say is that metabolic heath does wonders for aging. I was 201# 3rd week of August 2024. Today I weigh 168#. I have been eating one meal a day for about 2 months.....not every day, and certainly not on the holidays, but most days. The cellular clean up body wide is the main reason I am doing it. I have not felt this good since I was 20 years old....

I have learned SO MUCH about how the body really works over the last 4 months binge watching health content on youtube!
I'm only 45. I've had diagnosed gout for over 10 years. I fell picking up the little dude from the babysitter, he's 5. I know how to take a fall. I was sore but I managed. 8 days later the bruise on my hip showed up. My wife asked what I did to get it. F if I could remember. Took 3 hours to figure it out.
Yeah that's a sad day. I lost my own fart/shit separator about 3 years ago. I still miss it. Used to love busting off a stinker with no worries.
Pretty sure all of love that from about the age of 5. My house had a small sign that says "Farts are always funny here." Don't like it get the bleep out.
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Brutal Kieth, I'm having the same issue playing guitar right now. The weakness and numb, tingling down my arm and hand suck bad.
The torn muscle is brutal, and I have the flu right now, the coughing is KILLING me, it feels like I am being stabbed each time I cough, which is pretty constant for the past 4 days. Right now I can't make a bar chord sound worth a squirt, so I'm playing one finger power chords in drop D just to get my aggressions
Getting old sucks!!!
No wonder why old men are so grumpy, hang in there.

I just bought a new Ron Chapman Baritone to mess around with, and I can't even play it right now because of the longer neck.:emoji_disappointed:
Oh man that’s terrible but keep plucking along when you can and hope the cough gets better soon!

I've been filling in with a band since mid Dec and will be all of Jan looks like.
Their regular bass player had shoulder surgery and not coming along well.
Can barely manage a 4 hr Sat night gig and have 2 weekends of Fri / Sat shows in a row. The extra smoking $ is nice but Sundays are totally rest days 😁

I swing my legs up and use the momentum to get out of bed....

I *may* have once (ok, at least twice) experienced crippling back spasms while reaching around to wipe my azz...

Desk jobs can be just as, if not more, detrimental to your body over the years if you don't exercise properly.
I LOL, when people say a desk job can be just as hard the body as a physical job.

Not even close bud, try hanging 21' lengths of 6'' gas pipe or 10' sticks of 8 & 10'' cast iron pipe over head off of 8' to12' ladders for months at a time.
Then times that by 30+ years, and you'll understand what pain really is.

Not trying to take anything away from you, just stating the facts.

I hear this all the time from friends, that sitting at a desk all day is hard on your body. :emoji_laughing:

I've sat all my life, and not once have I broken any bones, or strained a muscle in my back, neck, shoulders, or arms from sitting or getting up.
Been doing that for probably 30 years or better.
Same here, I normally eat once, maybe twice a day, but my problem is I eat to make up for the missed meals. I'm never doing low carb again, sure I lost a lot of weight, but I started losing my hair as well. The Dr told me to stop eating low carb right away, I did, and my hair grew back. I gained weight, and it pisses me off too know end. I need to find the right balance, as I'm tired of being heavy.
I was in great shape until I fried my neck, and back, such a bummer.
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Not even close bud, try hanging 21' lengths of 6'' gas pipe or 10' sticks of 8 & 10'' cast iron pipe over head off of 8' to12' ladders for months at a time.
Then times that by 30+ years, and you'll understand what pain really is.
Or being an arborist ....... the practicing kind who actually climbs trees as a living. Loved the job, but it didn't love me. lol
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Or being an arborist ....... the practicing kind who actually climbs trees as a living. Loved the job, but it didn't love me. lol
We had our 120' Oak tree cut on by a friend, I watched in amazement, you guys are hardcore, that's for damn sure, and it was 108* that day.🤯
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I'm always moving, working, doing something... as I am usually stiff and sore but taking a day off to be lazy and be a couch potato or going on long trips absolutely kills me.

We had our 120' Oak tree cut on by a friend, I watched in amazement, you guys are hardcore, that's for damn sure, and it was 108* that day.🤯View attachment 711181View attachment 711182
It's a profession you have to love to stay in it. The pay ain't all that great, the hours are long .... especially after storms. It's not the safest undertaking even when you know what you're doing, but I wouldn't change a thing if I could go back in time knowing what I now live with as a result.

My son loved working for a tree crew. Never got certified, but he is a great tree monkey.
The ISA certification, while nice, doesn't really make you a better treeman. A more educated one who has had to learn a lot of stuff they will never use, perhaps.

You also have to meet the requirements to even take the test. Either enough education, enough experience in the field, or a combination of both.

The company I worked for paid for my testing and the continuing education required to keep the certification. Like anything else, you have to have so many hours of continuing ed every 3 years.
I know what you mean. Just turned 63 and got the arthritis in both hands. Always stiff and sore. My hand strength has significantly decreased in the last couple of years. I keep a channel lock in my kitchen drawer to crack the seal on the vodka and tonic water bottles.
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