Hey all, Im almost done with my first homeade smoker, made it out of an old oil tank used to heat old furnaces, I know I know, shouldnt use something that had chemicals in it, but I power washed the heck out of the inside, then saturated the inside with oven cleaner and powerwashed it again, got it down to clean bare metal inside, then we stoked a fire in it that was hotter than the blazes of hell to burn away anything that could have been left in any crevices........ My smoke source is a beer keg mounted to the back......it will have 2 sets of racks, each 25 inches deep and a hair over 5 feet wide........ I will take and post some picture tomorrow....... Just wanted to say Hi, ill be checkin out the forums gettin some Ideas, ive never smoked meat before, all i have done is pre-cook "boil ribs" and then smoke them in a pan on my weber kettle, but were gonna do a test run, hopefully this weekend on some ribs and a brisket on the REAL smoker