I got here looking for a good rub and found the Smoking Meat.com some how while trying to figure out how to buy this top secret rub and sauce I ended up here and thought "Oh God, another bloody forum!"
I've been to a few that aren't so friendly and some down right nasty ones so I didn't EVEN think I'd join. The first posts I read were between Cheech, Gunslinger,Gypc, Smoked, Dutch, Monty, SoFlaQer, Mr Grumpy and they were talking about making sausage! My weaknes! They seemed so nice I signed right up! Just couldn't resist those boys! Best thing I ever did!
It doesn't get any better than these folks right here! If you think your learning alot lurking - sign up, get the 5 day ecourse, the New letter and ask some questions!
Learning is sharing and that's what we're all about!