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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
Jun 7, 2006
Valley Forge, PA
As I write this there are 28 members and 42 guests on the site. Now I know some are first time visitors, but you know some of you are guilty of being lurkers, peering at the wealth of info here, trying to get heads up over on the neighbor's que...go on, sign up, won't cost ya nothin! Lot's of friendly folk here just willing to help out...
My name is Michelle, and I lurked for at least two months. I even tried some recipes without posting results and thanking for directions...but I'm past all that now and I'm out in the open about my smoking habit. I know this is the place that will be able to cure me...or at least my bacon and jerky anyway!
Just having fun!
Agreed. I lurked for a couple of days, I'm kinda embarrassed to admit that I almost signed up at thesmokering.com instead.

Figured I'm only talented to handle one forum at a time and I'm glad I ended up here!
Hey Doc, I signed up at the smoke ring several years ago, but this is the only place that I feel, I need. P.S. I used to have a horse who LOVED red beer, he would drink it from my glass, but I don't know what a drunken donkey is like?
I really don't know how I got here, I guess some one in the clouds decided to fianally cut me a break. Damn I'm glad they did. The funny part about this fourm is I'm not afraid to ask questions, even if they may sound dumb Ya'll still help me. I think the one thing that made me fell really good was when I read about the "FAMOUS" thin blue smoke. The first time I seen it coming out of my smoker I knew I was hooked!!!
I got here looking for a good rub and found the Smoking Meat.com some how while trying to figure out how to buy this top secret rub and sauce I ended up here and thought "Oh God, another bloody forum!"

I've been to a few that aren't so friendly and some down right nasty ones so I didn't EVEN think I'd join. The first posts I read were between Cheech, Gunslinger,Gypc, Smoked, Dutch, Monty, SoFlaQer, Mr Grumpy and they were talking about making sausage! My weaknes! They seemed so nice I signed right up! Just couldn't resist those boys! Best thing I ever did!

It doesn't get any better than these folks right here! If you think your learning alot lurking - sign up, get the 5 day ecourse, the New letter and ask some questions!

Learning is sharing and that's what we're all about!
i said this in a post - i found this site as a link off the kentucky headhunter's friend's link from their site... how freakin' cool is that ??? and here i is- i have smoked,slow cooked, & cooked professionally for a lot of years ( since i was 11 on our boats it was my job to cook) but to find this... it's like finding a.a. ..... for smokeaholics. this is the best on the web & 1/2 the time i search a recipe for a newbie here - it leads back to here as the #1 hit....so here we are.... the best buncha people on the net.
Excellent words, Debi!
But if I may be so bold as to add one word.......

"We are about learning, sharing and caring!"
Never have I seen a group of strangers form such a wonderful bond!
And the funny thing is that from moment one all the group makes the newest member feel like a long lost relative!

So to all you lurkers out there! Get past your shyness and come set a spell! You'll not want to leave!

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