Hello, my name is Matt. I'm 26. I'm from Maumelle, AR, which is about 15 minutes NW of Little Rock. I use hardwood charcoal and hickory. I love BBQ, but I don't like the prices they charge at the restaurant. I recently bought a smoker from Academy Sports. It's a New Braunfels Hondo Smoker. Didn't know anything about them, but I picked the one I thought looked the best. Are they any good? If they are not really any good, what should I, as a beginner, have bought or had someone build? I've cooked on it and it seems to be working ok. What does everyone else think though? Is it a good one for the beginnner? As I get more experiened, what should be the next type of smoker I buy? It's hard to keep the temp somewhat adjusted. That may be my fault though. Like I said, I'm just beginning. So far, I've cooked two pork butts and country-style ribs. The ribs have been awesome both times! They fell apart in my hands. The first pork butt also fell apart. It was great! The second one, I was a little disappointed with. It didn't fall apart, but it tasted ok. I guess it depends where you get your meat. I got them at separate meat markets. I guess I know where I'll be going for my meat.. I've also used the firebox as a regular grill for hamburgers and such. Is that ok or should I not do that? I think I will try to tackle a brisket next time or maybe some different types of ribs.
Looking forward to your respones.
Matt (mdoverstreet)

Matt (mdoverstreet)