...Hey wait...I smoked yesterday as well..!

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Smoke Blower
Original poster
Jul 25, 2007
Raleigh, NC
I did my first shoulder for pulled pork and it turned out great! It was 7.5 lbs and in 8 hours 30 minutes I had achieved the 200* benchmark, so out she came. I did the towel & cooler trick for 1.5 hours and ended up with pure porky goodness!!!

I used Jeff's rub and I have to give it to him, it's pretty tasty. I also made up a batch of his sauce and.....uhh.....after some doctoring, I had it to my tastes and it's all good now

Money shots:


Let's hear it for the cook, nice job and sounds as if you'll smoke another day yet...
How in the world did you do it in 8 hours? I just did a 5 pounder and it took at least 14 hours at 225, it held at 154 for 5 hours .
What was the temp set at?
I'll be there in ahhhhh 12 hrs? looks great,bet it will taste great with the capn and coke ya got there also.
I can't figure it out either but here are the details:

Meat was 7.5 lbs, estimated time should have been approx 11.25 hrs using the 1.5 hrs per lb of meat schedule.
I set the GOSM dial all the way down and the stock gauge read 250* while the two dial gauges I installed on the side were reading 210*(ish).
The internal tems climbed slowly and never really got stuck anywhere for an extended period of time. It did sorta hover around the 153* - 157* mark for about an hour maybe 1.5 hours...Once both probes were in the 160* area I yanked it, foiled it and put it back in and within 2.5 more hours the probes were at 208*. I thought it was gonna be another couple hours so I took Baby Fokker to the pool and when we got back I just checked in on the temps and found them surprisingly at 208*!
When I finally pulled the meat it was 5:00pm on the dot and my timer still had 2 hours left on it.
Lemme also say that the outside temp was about 90* and my smoker sits on the sunny side of the house.
Each piece of meat is different. Yesterday I did 3 butts, 9lb-3, 8 lb-14, and 8lb-3. The largest was done 2 1/2 hours before the smallest and the middle one was last, another 3/4 hour later than the small one. It depends on the age of the pig, and how tough the connective tissue is. The plateau occurs when the connective tissue begins to break down, requiring a lot of heat to be absorbed.

Hope this helps!

Take care, have fun, and do good!


Looks great BF!

I've had one or two shoulders that were surprisingly done in 8 hours or so, but most go longer... guess it just depends on the tissue.
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