and was it HOT in West Virginia!! It was in the 90's the whole time I was there except for one evening, it maybe got to 89. I had forgotten how bad humidity was! But I got to see my whole family and those hoodlum neices and nephews of mine
. It was a great time!!
And then I come home to an email that I have been nominated to be a member of the OTBS!! I am # 99
Thank you gypsyseagod and HawgHeaven, that was wonderful of you guys to nominate me.
And thank you OTSB members for accepting me
. This is more fun that the Academy Awards
, I feel like a STAR... lol I would also like to thank my agent, and my fans, without you I wouldnt be here....
I think I got carried away there.....
It is good to be home again .....

And then I come home to an email that I have been nominated to be a member of the OTBS!! I am # 99

Thank you gypsyseagod and HawgHeaven, that was wonderful of you guys to nominate me.
And thank you OTSB members for accepting me

I think I got carried away there.....

It is good to be home again .....