While at Costco this afternoon I decided to swing by the meat section. Low and behold, the beautifully sign read,
BRISKET $2.99lb. Oh yeah. I rummaged through the pile and, not that I know what I'm looking for, picked a 15.20 pounder. So I get to the register and the fine chunk of beef rang up at $3.99lb. I asked why and the kind gentleman pointed at a magical sticker that said, U.S.D.A PRIME BEEF. My bad, it was the CHOISE that was $2.99lb. Oops, I looked at my sweet wife and she said, just do it. And here we are.
Gonna trim it up and prep the MB Gravity 800 for the early morning start. I'll do my best to share my first Oirme brisket adventure. I'm nervous, my last brisket turned out like pulled beef.
BRISKET $2.99lb. Oh yeah. I rummaged through the pile and, not that I know what I'm looking for, picked a 15.20 pounder. So I get to the register and the fine chunk of beef rang up at $3.99lb. I asked why and the kind gentleman pointed at a magical sticker that said, U.S.D.A PRIME BEEF. My bad, it was the CHOISE that was $2.99lb. Oops, I looked at my sweet wife and she said, just do it. And here we are.
Gonna trim it up and prep the MB Gravity 800 for the early morning start. I'll do my best to share my first Oirme brisket adventure. I'm nervous, my last brisket turned out like pulled beef.