Help me decide on a smoker

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Original poster
Jan 7, 2012
San Jose, CA
Hello All,

This is my first post so please be gentle.

I've been grillin for many years now want to try my hand at smoking.
I came to this site just looking for a good smoker, OMG, a much larger task than I envisioned.
I wasn't even aware there are so many different types of smokers and such :(

Id like to start out simple and just the basics
So I started looking at the Charcoal, Gas and Electric smokers, I have no problem sitting around all day drinking beer, however I honestly do not see myself tending to a wood fire constantly, At least not right away.
As for the Charcoal types, I see that there is the Big Green Egg and WSM smoker both of which get very favorable reviews around here.
Questions I have are do the Charcoal units need constant tending to as wood smokers do?
How long to the Charcoal units hold a steady heat before I need to replenish the coals?
Also between the GAS and Electric is there a big difference?

Thank you
Welcome...I have a Charcoal fired Horizontal Offset, it works great but you need to be right there tending it. WSM's, I don't have one but seem to get great results with minimum tending, adding Smoke wood every hour or so and if you by one of the Electronic/Fan Fire Tenders, are even better. Same goes for the Egg but at a Much Higher Price...I just got a MES 40 Electric for Christmas and can tell you, now that is 30*F out side, I Freakin' Love It!...I see your from Cali' and outside temp may not matter but the MES is totally set it and forget it and with an AMNPS is probably the Easiest Smoker on the Market...JJ
You are going to get all kinds of different responses on this. Every one has there own opinion on what is best. With that said I have 2 Gasser's and a WSM.

The  Master Forge 2 door LPG that Lowe's sells is a excellent unit for the price. I use this unit the most at home. Link

Lowe's also sells a different model of this smoker it has a side shelf added, and says can be either gas or charcoal. Link

I Have not seen this unit yet so I can't say its 100% the same.

My other Gasser is a Perfect Flame single door, almost the same unit just 1 door. I like the 2 door better.

The WSM is also a GREAT unit comes in 2 sizes a 18" and 22". The 18" WSM stays with the camper and gets used at the lake. I have had this unit for a long time Pre 2000. It smokes good right out of the box. If you do go with this 1 mod I recommend is add handles to mid section. Link 18"       Link 22"
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I have a gas, an electric, and a charcoal smoker. They all serve their purpose. My first smoker was an electric MES 40. It is probably the best smoker to start with.
I have to agree with the others on this. I beleive that the MES would be the way to go for a newbie. Just set it and forget it, till she's done. I have a Cabelas gasser and really like it. It all depends on the individual as to what they want. Any way you look at it get one and get smoking, you'll never look back.
I know that with the charcoal and gas smokers you need to attend to them more so of the charcoal would be my guess but Ihave a gas and like it. Im leaning toward getting a charcoal smoker this week to see if I like it better, but like the GOSM vertical smoker I have now. If you dodecide to go with one ther than electric, I would look for a dual door.
Sure know what you mean about many!!!!  And of course every one has their own favorites.  I don't think I've seen a site with more information and good advice .......every one is willing to help!!!!  I think I'v decided  I'd like to give the Master Forge Double Door Gas Smoker a try.....just have to wait for Lowes to have them available........I can't wait !!!!!   

First I'd like to say welcome, nice to have another NorCal smoker on board.

I have a GOSM that I really like.  Once the temp has stabilized, it doesn't move.  The design of my unit is a single door and the dual door mentioned by sprky above I think would be a good one to look at if you want a gasser.

Good luck,

I'm back more confused than ever

Well, maybe not more confused, however I do understand why some people have multiple cooking devices, lol

I started to look into the MES as was suggested above, however....
Lets throw another wrench into the mix, the wife now wants a gas grill, omg as if I needed that.

So if I went with the MES, that would be 3 sources of Heat, Electric (new MES), Gas (Wife's Grill) , and Charcoal (my 22" round weber grill)

I am also coming to the conclusion their is no ALL-IN-ONE miracle pill out there, well without having to do a bunch of Mods (I'm speaking of Gas Charcoal combo units).
Although I do like the simplicity and convenience of  an Electric, I am not ready to get rid myself of drinking beer by the grill at it's expense.
So I've decided to narrow it down to 2, charcoal and gas (Is this a wise choice?)

Given that information, I'm looking at a gas grill and a Charcoal/smoker.
The gas grills seems pretty basic, depending on my needs, I'll probably just go with a 2 or 4 burner quality unit.
Also I do see that I can smoke on my current Weber grill (although I've never tried).
The only issue I have is holding a constant temperature on a standard grill, living in California I assume its not too it?

I will also be getting a digital thermostat, regardless of which unit I get.

How long does a standard grill hold temperature for, anything under an hour and I'll be looking at the EGG or something similar.

Am I on the right track, or is my limited day of browsing through threads completely wrong, I know I need to read more more , however I'm hungry

(FYI, im currently in the Charcoal and Gas subforums looking for answers, hehehe)

Thank you
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Many nice smokers out there to choose from.

Some like electric, some like gas, charcoal and then the stick burners.

Whichever you decide you will enjoy. Post some pics to.
Easy solution   Gas grill for wifey's birthday   smoker for Hubby's birthday   We can do charcoal smoker and charcoal grill combination but as far as combining gas grill and smoker I think you will have problems. 
I went with a Master Forge dbl door smoker at Lowes for $149. Home Depot sells a Brinkman for the same price but it has a magnet door, only 1, and only 3 racks, the MF has 4 racks and the 2 doors lock tighter.

I went with gas also because being new to smoking I thought i would have a hard time keeping the temperature in a charcoal smoker at 225*, too hot or too cold. It is easy to turn the valve up or down instead of adding too much or not enough charcoal for me being a novice.

A cheap way to add smoke to your gas grill grill is get a big empty tuna can, fill it with presoaked wood chips and set it on the burner. When I cook steaks there I always do that for extra flavor. I will get a nice V shaped 1 soon that fits in between the burners but the can works, when it burns out get another.
I think you want to start with something easy to use. There are several options including the ECB (El Cheapo Brinkman) that you can buy in either charcoal or electric. You can also look at gassers (propane units) that are fairly consistent and reasonably easy to use but for the total beginner there probably nothing easier and more forgiving than an MES. Good luck and good smoking 
I guess my best advice is build on what you know.  if you grill on charcoal then you might like to smoke with charcoal as well.  I was a gas griller and went with a gas smoker and have loved it.  not a hard rule but seems logical.

just get smokin!

After doing some researching for my first smoker, I decided on the Master Forge Gas Smoker from Lowes. I cook with a gas grill so I have 2 tanks on hand. Let me tell you, the MF smoker is great for a beginner like me. Holds the temp from 193 degrees to 260 degrees if I need it to. I eventually want to migrate to charcoal, but I'll concentrate on my recipes and meats so I feel comfortable with just knowing when the meats are done. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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