Hello, I have been lurking for awhile, and thought it was time to meet everyone. Great site with lots of info, you can learn alot from you guys/gals. I started with a ECB, and have been adding to my lineup from there.
I now have a Weber 22 1/2" kettle, Masterbuilt 7 in 1, GOSM, homemade Barrel BBQ, Great Outdoors Grill, homemade Tandoori Oven, plus a few other odds and ends.
I will be using the Barrel today and will post on that soon.
I now have a Weber 22 1/2" kettle, Masterbuilt 7 in 1, GOSM, homemade Barrel BBQ, Great Outdoors Grill, homemade Tandoori Oven, plus a few other odds and ends.
I will be using the Barrel today and will post on that soon.