Hello from a newby in Southern California

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cathy l

Fire Starter
Original poster
Sep 25, 2013
Southern California
Hello everyone.  My name is Cathy and I live in Southern California.  I tend to grill year round here since our weather is much milder than other places around the country.  We just had the Los Angeles County Fair and I came upon the demonstration for Traeger Grills.  Well, long story short, I HAD to have one.  I am patiently (not really) waiting for it to be delivered.  I have at least one weeks worth of menus planned and am searching for information to help me be successful in this new endeavor.  I look forward to reading this forum and learning some of the ins and outs of becoming a "smoking demon". :)  Thank you for the opportunity to participate in your forum.
Welcome to the forum. The la county fair is always fun. I'd recommend taking Jeff's free 5 day course. It goes over the basics of smoking.
Hi Cathy, and welcome to the forums! Congrats on the new Traeger! We have a growing number of pellet smoker users here, including yours truly!

This is the best place I know for sharing ideas on smoking, grilling, curing, etc. There are plenty of friendly, knowledgeable folks here who really enjoy helping one another. Looking forward to your input here, and just ask when you need anything...someone here will surely have the answer.

:welcome1: to SMF!!! We're happy you joined us! We have over 50,000 members now who just love to share what they know. You've come to the best place on the net to learn and share everything Q!!!
to SMF!  We are so glad you joined us! 

We love to see pictures of what you are cooking (or what we call q-views here at SMF).  To "upload the q-views" just follow the directions here and it will be easier. If you are using a cell phone, an IPad or a kindle, go to the main SMF page and click the Mobile button. Will make the uploads a bit faster too.

If you didn't read the "Terms of Service" notes.....please do.  There are a few things that everyone should know about those pesky little rules before plunging into the forums and some guidelines of how to interact within the forums. Off site links are not allowed here at SMF per TulsaJeff. Not that you have done anything wrong....just a little bit of FYI for new members!

If you need any help roaming around the forums....just holler!  Happy to help out!

Hello, and Welcome from Texas. This is a great site, lots of good information and great people.

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