Ok Ladies and gents, I work for a Carnegie ranked Research University and I can tell you the number one thing to avoid......... Whatever the latest Research studies prove.... I get so sick of Researchers studying one specific little microcosm and announcing their results like it is some earth shaking news. Here is what the study of life proves, if you eat till you are full, not stuffed, stay away from garbage and heavilly processed foods, and don't make dinner an obession you're fine. Throw a bit of exercise and maybe some hard work in the mix and you are going to live out your genetic potential. This is of course barring any accident, act of God, unforseen comunicable disease, upsetting the wrong gorilla, not seeing the bus, playing with explosives, wow I'm really starting to sound cynical aren't I???
I think I go eat a fattie and think on this..... Hmm I like the crunchy pieces........