Happy Fathers Day!

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
OTBS Member
Aug 11, 2005
I know there was already a Fathers Day thread started, but that pertained to more of a large group tidbit of info.

Me and my 7yr old are sitting on the patio, under the EZ-Up, few sprinkles here and there, WSM pegged at 226 with a 6# trimmed flat, fat side down.

Gonna take out 2 fatties shortly to throw on around noon.

Crappy looking sky, but having a great day.

Good day to you all!
Good Morning all! My children are literally spread out across the US; Ma, Ga, and Washington State. Have heard from them already today. We're gonna all get together next year. Today have the ECB cranking with some ribs and I'm doing a run of teryaki jerky. Gonna toss on some chicken in a little bit and a few friends will be dropping by later.

Happy Fathers' Day, All!
Chi. Bill, it sounds like you both need some tall cold ones to have the perfect setting. Cold suds for you and a root beer for the lady of course. :D

I'm stuck at work til 3 so it's up to momma and the kids to surprise me with dinner.

Happy Father's Day to all of youse. :P
It was a great day. Spent most of it on the patio, in the rain, under the EZ Up with my 7 year old.

Here's the results (I got another pic to post, on another computer and will do so shortly)

Edit, Heres my Em, what makes Fathers Day worth it.

Broke arm on the day before the last day of school.

She's a great kid though.

Spent the best day talking to her on tha patio.

It was awesome

Almost forgot.

Girls gave me one of them cast iron smoker boxes for wood chips in the grill. Looks pretty cool.
How's little Em doing, Bill? That cast slow her down any? And did she get her root beer? :mrgreen:
Fingers crossed, and the cast comes off on Thursday.

She is an outdoor kid, and really has hated not being able to go out and play.

But she is acting twice her age and is really being a trooper about it.

She still skips everywhere (remember that?. What an innocent time of your life when you used to "skip" :) )

Thanks for asking Dutch!

Enjoy her, cherish her, and embrace every moment with her . My little girl is 35 now!

My best to you and yours!
Hey everyone,did ya miss me any.Still working like a mule,on long hours.I got a Char Griller Super Pro and a bottle of whiskey for fathers day>Id like to get a day off so I could try both of them out.See ya in August if Im still alive.
Thanks for the update Dac

Been wondering where you be

Glad to see you had a great day!
Good to hear from you, David! You made out well for fathers' day! Got a GOSM and a digital camera coming and am planning on sharing a lot more soon! Out straight myself with a lot of road to fix and not enough budget or time!
Glad to see your post! Been waiting for the next segment of HAMS. :shock:

Those last ones looked absolutely wonderful.
Hey Dac-Glad to see your still with us.
I'm a little late, but happy FD to all! Bill, the little one and the food look great. Also, Bob, that apron is a work of art. Only somebody misspelled "Coke!" ;)
Chi Bill,
Sounds like a wonderful day! I can remember similar days well and cherrish each memory. By the way, Em had her cast off today? How is she? Also, I love the picture of the flat! Smoke ring very well defined. No need to ask how it tasted. The pix says it all.
Bill, will know in 10 hours on whether a new cast is needed.

Yep, fat cap down, ringed brisket, and VERY good ends were the norm.

Still gotta clean the WSM as I put the EZ Up away.

EZ Up is the best gift, ever

She can almost straighten her arm, and almost bend to the top. About 85% movement.

She's on the swim team, and we feared she lost her summer.

Nope!! She's back in the water for rehab therapy on Saturday!!
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