The current price of a 14" Hobart Buffalo Chopper is north of $10K and an 18" one is north of $13K so at around $1500 through the door this is a truly great price point.
We have both the 14" Model 84145 and 18" Hobart Model 84181 bowl choppers and they really are game changers for a lot of things. Since ours both have accessory drive hubs and they are so much quieter and smoother running than most meat grinders we use them to drive a standard #12 grinder head for things that don't need go into the bowl.
After looking at the Hakka spec sheet and operator's manual it doesn't seem to have an option to add an accessory hub. But, as I suspect that most of us already have a grinder this Hakka unit looks like a good deal for anyone who wants to make finely chopped meat mixtures for sausage.
And a bowl chopper makes a batch of Cole slaw, salsa etc in, literally, just a few seconds. Making a big batch of pulled or chopped pork? One or two revolutions of the bowl make quick work of it. Go easy though as a few more revolutions will turn you chopped pork into paste.
And when making things like Franks, Coneys, hot dogs etc a bowl chopper will make a very smooth meat batter in 30-45 seconds a batch. As there is a considerable amount of friction from the blades we start with very cold meat and fat chilled to the "frost crust" stage, use crushed ice instead of liquid water and add the ice in 2-3 doses during the cutting process. We find that 4-5 pounds per batch is about all the 14" bowl will take without making a mess with product being pushed out between the lid and bowl by the action of the blades.
The 14" Hobart cuts with two blades at 1750 RPM while the Hakka three blade cutting head spins at 1440 RPM. The actual number of cuts per minute is at 3,500 for the Hobart and 4,350 for the Hakka so the Hakka would seem have a lot of potential.