Hello all, I've been lurking around here for awhile and this looks like a nice friendy place to hang out. I live in Tucson and have lived here 'bout 5 years, a transplant from Michigan ( Last one leaving please turn out the lights). My wife (of 20 years) and I are self employed since moving to AZ. I was introduced to smoking meats at a very young age, my Dad used to smoke a lot of fish, mostly sucker and the neighbor had a pretty large smoke house in his backyard for wild game and such although I was too young to learn anything from him he liked me and I aways got samples. I started with an ECB several years ago and it worked well with a few mods. I am by no means any kind of pro at this stuff and still consider myself a beginner. I love to experiment and have tried almost everything from turtle to rabbit. Mostly smokin' and bbq'n just give me an excuse just to chill out and drink my beer :D