First Time: Buy Offset Wood Smoker or Pellet Grill Smoker?

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Check out the KBQ. It is a top feed stick burner that will not take as much babysitting as an offset. It ships UPS which will not be a killer. I have both a stick burner and a pellet grill. If I am really busy or my wife wants grilled checken, I will use the pellet grill. I prefer the stick burner however you pretty much have to sit with it for 4 hours for ribs, 8 to 10 for pork butts, and 10 + for a whole packer. To me, the finished product from the offset can't be beat. Plus where else can I sit and consume adult beverages and actually be doing something worthwhile? A stick burner does have a learning curve but you can still pretty much consume all your mistakes. Once the art of fire management is learned you will have it made in the shade. If you go the stick route, read Aaron Franklin's book. The chapters on wood, smoke, and fire management are excellent.
ps - I will also use the pellet grill to finish a long cook after the meat is wrapped.
I did a quick Google search on his book, but he has a few of them. Which one are you referring to?
Lots of good discussion here. There are ways to avoid the over night cook with an offset or a pellet. For long cooks like brisket I do the cook the day before I want to serve it. Once done I do a hot hold (160 F ish) overnight in my oven. I will probably get a warmer to have a bit more control. This was a game changer. It eliminates any stress on being done on time and you get to sleep. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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