I followed your method for the end. I'm not sure why the bird shot up so fast, but she certainly slowed down for me, guess I just had first time jitters on the whole chicken thing (no pun intended)
Rivet: This is the second time I've smoked chicken in general, and last time i cooked quarter fryers to ~170º and they did seem a little under cooked to my liking, So I aimed for 180º thanks to your advice.
She hit 180º @ 4:20. Tried to get some q-view but the camera batteries went dead and the wife was hungry. Bird was a little dry, probably due to the multiple stab wounds it received from re positioning me temp probe.
Was working on a sauce experiment, and some how didn't roast my garlic to that golden paste I love so much. Never had an issue with that before. Oh well. I was able to save it, but I cant wait till next time to get it right...
Rivet, Flash and Fire It up, thanks again for all you're help. You guys saved my bird and my nerves.