Well ...I found this forum after seeing someone build a smoker from a trashcan and an electric burner....and being in the meat business and doing pretty much everything with meat except smoking it I set out to build me a trashcan smoker !
Upon finding this site and researching a bit ...I figured I should not use a trashcan ( at least not a galvanized one ) for a smoker......so I thought it would be neat to build one from an old propane tank....
It took awhile....needed to find materials ( and the Mrs. bought me an electric for my B.day ) ....
anyways...I finally completed the build except the paint is not complete ...I used a 200 # propane tank ( 22 " in diameter )which was de-valved , I built the smoker outta my head ,thru this forum ,using a mini grinder and a mig welder ( a welder I am not ) but I managed ...
...I had the tank sandblasted ( inside n out ) to get rid of the old paint and nasties ...made up some grates...a stack and draft ,added a temp thermometer,some paint and mounted it on an old grill frame and walla ,,,my own homebuilt was born....
the first pic is at the begining....rough tank with door ..then painted with the stack and then with the cover on the stack and then the thin blue created with chunks of maple and a bit of hickory chips ( my favorite )....next pics will have some meat included...
I love this site ....without it and it's members I would not have done this ...thanks all ....Tim.
Upon finding this site and researching a bit ...I figured I should not use a trashcan ( at least not a galvanized one ) for a smoker......so I thought it would be neat to build one from an old propane tank....
It took awhile....needed to find materials ( and the Mrs. bought me an electric for my B.day ) ....
anyways...I finally completed the build except the paint is not complete ...I used a 200 # propane tank ( 22 " in diameter )which was de-valved , I built the smoker outta my head ,thru this forum ,using a mini grinder and a mig welder ( a welder I am not ) but I managed ...
...I had the tank sandblasted ( inside n out ) to get rid of the old paint and nasties ...made up some grates...a stack and draft ,added a temp thermometer,some paint and mounted it on an old grill frame and walla ,,,my own homebuilt was born....
the first pic is at the begining....rough tank with door ..then painted with the stack and then with the cover on the stack and then the thin blue created with chunks of maple and a bit of hickory chips ( my favorite )....next pics will have some meat included...
I love this site ....without it and it's members I would not have done this ...thanks all ....Tim.