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It's a tough call, I would have to go with my Weber Kettle or Pit Barrel Cooker. Both get the most use at our house. I love my offset, but only use it for long and big cooks.
A cinder block pit that I threw together for about 20 bucks. Had a big sheet of stainless steel that I appropriated from a failed project at work for a lid, and old oven grates for racks. Most of the concrete blocks were free, bought a few of those and some of the solid 3" ones I used here and there (to make the fire hole and door etc.......)
Got 10 years and the best food I've ever made out of it. If I ever move back to the country I'm going to build another one.
Absolutely love my Workhorse Pits 1969. I truly believe its the best value in the higher end range of backyard offset smokers. The 3/8 inch steel means I can hold temps steady much more easily, and also cook in cold conditions. Smoked these chickens in 15 degree weather yesterday no issue, and no major increase in wood consumption.
I keep modding my Old Smokey Electric Smoker and now feel it does as nice a job smoking as any of my others - Bullseye pellet smoker and Old Smokey 22. The first mod was to add top and bottom vents to allow moisture to escape. I can add chips through the bottom vent during the smoke. Then I added a meat hanging ring which allows me to utilize the depth of the smoker to fit more ribs in there.