Yuengling Lager or Sangria...
If I'm Smokin' or Eatin' Q, I usually have a case of Cold Ones close by.
BUT, when the mood strikes or my Mrs' and/or Cheffy Daughter's join in it's....
In a One Gallon Pitcher combine...
1C Brandy or more...cheapo E&J, Christian Bros.
1C Triple Sec...orange liqueur.
2C Apple Juice or Cider
2C Orange Juice...Fresh or Simply Orange
1-2 Sliced Oranges...Lemons and Limes, Optional.
1-2 Diced Apples
Red Wine to FILL...Riunite Lambrusco is my fav.
*NOTE* You will use most of the 3 Liter Bottle!
Mix well and CHILL WELL...I stick it in the Freezer for an hour or more.
"CAUTION" This goes down smooth and will kick your BUTT!