I’ve been making snack sticks for awhile now and just got my hands on some ECA.
After reading the directions does anyone know if you need to refrigerate the sticks
when finished or can I just put them in a plastic container and set them on the bar?
In addition I make large batches 25#at a time so I use a meat mixer attached to my
grinder to mix the cure , spice and water with the meat , can I also do this with the
ECA or should I “FOLD “ this into the meat by hand. I know you can’t get the ECA to hot and I’m not sure if the mixer will generate to much heat. Thanks in advance for
any advice .
After reading the directions does anyone know if you need to refrigerate the sticks
when finished or can I just put them in a plastic container and set them on the bar?
In addition I make large batches 25#at a time so I use a meat mixer attached to my
grinder to mix the cure , spice and water with the meat , can I also do this with the
ECA or should I “FOLD “ this into the meat by hand. I know you can’t get the ECA to hot and I’m not sure if the mixer will generate to much heat. Thanks in advance for
any advice .